Tuesday, March 13, 2012



  1. Shimla mirch (capsicum /bell pepper) 6 in no. (serves for 4)
  2. Zeera (cumin seeds) 1tsp
  3.  Rai (mustard seeds) 1tsp
  4.  Sauf (funnel seeds) 1 tsp
  5. Hing (asafoetida) a pinch or 1/4 tsp
  6. Haldi (turmeric powder) 1/2 tsp
  7. Red chilli powder 1tsp
  8. Ginger crushed finely 1tbs 
  9. Garlic crushed finely 1/2 tbs
  10. Green chillies chopped 
  11. Onion 1 medium chopped
  12. Salt as per taste
  13. Oil/ ghee 1 tbs 
  14. Dhanya powder (coriader powder) 1tsp and amchor powder(mango powder )  1tsp  
                      1. Heat a pan add oil when hot add zeera ,rai,hing, saute add ginger and garlic saute
                      2. Now add onions saute it ,when onion turns translucent (it will be done fast by adding little salt)
                      3. Add haldi pd.,red chilli pd. ,dhanya pd, little water 1tbs and saute all well
                      4. Add sauf and  shimla mirch diced  stir add amchor powder mix well 
                      5. Add green chillies and salt mix well cook for 10 min on flame in open pan 
                      6. Don't cover pan and in 10 minutes it will be ready to serve 
                      7. Serve this with hot parathas/rotis..........enjoy.........GOD BLESS

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